
Adventure with film

Paweł Jędrzejczyk starred alongside Andrzej Młynarczyk in the series Dzielnica Strachu. Broadcast in the coming months on Puls TV.  


Wergi Gym fighter won

Wergi Gym player Marcin Maracz won once again at the MFC gala in Zielona Góra. The gala was broadcast live on Fightbox TV.

WERGI 2022

Forma w 2022!

  Prędzej czy później osiągam każdy cel który sobie wyznaczam. Moje marzenia to właśnie cele! Kiedyś wydawało mi się to niemożliwe, ale dzieki sztukom walki i całemu procesowi zmian, pracy nad sobą zmieniłem podejście. Uwierzcie mi, że mocne ciało to tylko druga strona medalu bo najważniejsza jest ” mocn głowa”. Jeśli ja mogę to może […]


Wergi po gali Fame Mma!


Wergi vs Hejterzy!


Strzelanie Bojowe!


Paweł o treningach z Bestią!


Let me introdiuce my place!


Jędrzejczyk vs Groenhart on MFC14!

Paweł Jędrzejczyk - Fernando Groenhart will be a hit match on the September MFC14. Jędrzejczyk is MFC Champion. In the past, Groenhart fought for significant federations, he is the brother of former Glory Champion.


Wergi’s trainings plan

If you ask me what I did that day ten years ago? I will answer you ...


Wergi Jędrzejczyk vs Boom Boom Pławecki


Paweł WERGI Jędrzejczyk HL 2018


Muay Thai trip…

Paweł and olimpic bronze medalist in Wrestling from London and now KSW fighter Damian Janikowski trained at Lamai Gym in Samui.


The latest interview


Seminar at the Shootboxer club!

On January 13, Paweł led the seminar at the friendly Shootboxer club. The owner and main trainer is Łukasz Szulc, colleague and titled competitor from the Kickboxing National Team


WERGI is the first MFC Champion!

Paweł WERGI Jędrzejczyk became the Champion of the prestigious MFC after a hard five-round battle. It was a historic duel for the first such title at the gala, which has been held since 2009. Pawel stood in the MFC ring for the tenth time in his career.


Wergi in the fight for the MFC belt!

As we announced, MFC12 will be a unique gala and there will be plenty of surprises. For the first time in the history of the organization, there will be a duel for the MFC championship belt.
